As soon as I got the coupons in the mail and took myself down to Walmart to pick up the loot. I am a huge stickler for "matching scents" as I like to call it so I went with the goal of finding an oil diffuser and spray with the same or complimenting scents and I ended up walking out with the pineapple and mangosteen versions of everything since I figured the house could use a bit of tropical flair and really as long as it worked to get the funk out I would be happy! P.S. Don't ask me what the hell a mangosteen is I have no freaking clue but it smells good!
As a bit of a side note I feel I should mention here a bit about my household. We live in a 1600 sq foot house with a large open living area. We have 2 fat Garfield-like cats, a black lab, a two year old, two women, and three men. Needless to say our house can get really funky real fast. Since I am the person generally in charge of keeping the house clean and presentable its an uphill battle for me to keep it clean let alone smelling good.
When I got home and set up my diffuser and everything the scent was rather strong but it kind of turned out to be a good thing because the whole house was filled with scent rather quickly. I put the spray in the bathroom so it could combat what I like to call the "high stink zone" and it works really well for getting rid of the more harsh odors when they come around. I did notice that if you use the spray a ton, so like misting a large room that has the diffuser in it, it has a weird smell for a couple minutes. I have now had the diffuser set up in my kitchen for about a month and a half and I can say that the initial strong smell settles down after about 3 or 4 days into a very pleasant scent that is not overpowering when you are inside but when when you step in the door it still has a really pleasant noticeable smell. This last weekend we were all out of town for a couple days and it was so nice to come home and have it smell good as soon as we get inside.
The price on this is really nice too. It's about $6 for the starter pack which has the pretty thing the scented part sits in and then the refills are about $4 here. I have decided to stop buying the wall plug in air fresheners (all except for the one by the cat box because well.... That area needs all the help it can get) since I have to use 3 to have the same effect and they range in price from $2-$4 each so really I end up saving money. Today I am going to go out and use a few of the coupons I have left to pick up a few of these to give as a gift for a house warming party.
So there it is. My first review! How did you like it? I like it so I suppose that is all that matters right?
Oh! Almost forgot, here is a picture of my diffuser! Pretty spiffy huh? It even matches my kitchen!